ellis cousland

Indie hero of ferelden of da:o
Private & Mutually Exclusive & Low Activity
As told by xan


hi! i'm xan, i'm 25 & i never learned how to fucking read. jokes aside, i've been writing ellis on & off for around two years now. there is a lot of information to take in & i don't expect anyone to know all of it! I will be highlighting the most important parts of his story on his bio eventually, but i'm not quite there yet. i do ask that if you have any questions about the progression of his story, feel free to ask. i prefer to talk things out than leave any questions hanging.on that note, tumblr rp is a social hobby as much as it is a creative one to me & i love keeping in contact with my mutuals. however, on this blog it is especially vital to building long-lasting relationships ic & ooc. i'm probably going to keep this blog a bit more selective than my other blogs because of this.ellis is not always a reliable narrator. his perception of reality is not always the truth & it's sooo vital to undertand this moving forward.


i do not practice exclusivity. nothing against anyone who does, it's just not for me! i do, however, have mains. what are mains on this blog? they're characters written by friends who i will go to first for plot ideas. my mains will usually be woven into ellis' canon, one way or another whether or not that character is written in tumblr! if that is not something that appeals you, that's okay!ellis' main ship on this blog is with @softersinned's astoria. she is his wife & the inquisitor in his main verse. if we plot any ships or if you are writing another inquisitor, we can talk about it. otherwise, assume this is canon
note: i love writing romance. i love, love, love figuring it out with others especially when I'm writing ellis. but i need some level of plotting for us to be able to do so. not only because of astoria being his canon wife, but also just because he is hard to get along with let alone fall in love. i want to be clear with where any romantic relationships are headed before they get there.
ellis' sister, lily, belongs to my good friend jay. though jay does not write on tumblr at the time, lily will always be apart of ellis' story whether or not she has a place on tumblr. if you are writing another cousland, i love love love sibling dynamics & would love to talk about it. lily, however, still exists regardless & we can plot about it.


i do not have any triggers. i have a few picks, but nothing that triggers a huge emotional reaction from me. i will do my best to be mindful of any triggers that might appear on this blog, but if there is anything i fal to tag please feel free to point it out to me. i would like to maintain a safe space i can share with my friends!this being said, there are a few triggers that will be frequently spoken of on this blog. ellis is schizophrenic & deals with bpd. it's a huge part of his character & if either of those topics make you uncomfortable, this is not the blog for you. i will however tag these topics as mental illness tw for anyone who doesn't want to be caught off guard on the subjecttriggers that might appear:
mental illness tw
violence tw
death tw
scars tw
drugs tw
self medication tw
i will add more as i think of them, but if there is anything else you need tagged tell me. i can't read your mind but i do want this to be a comfortable & interactive space.


if i'm following you, i absolutely want to interact with you. i want to write with you. i want to plot with you. i reblog a lot of memes & try to send a lot as well. this being said, i do not expect you to respond to everything i send you & vice versa.i prefer to plot & send memes over starter calls starter calls are fine & dandy, i just become overwhelmed by them quicker than i care to admit & usually do not finish them. i prefer plotted starters & memes with something to work off of.i have notoriously spotty activity. it's part of my flavor . it stems from a mix of mental illness & blanacing life, but this is just a hobby to me & it utilizes any energy i have leftover from everything else i have to do to live. this being said, if i don't respond to you ooc right away it is nothing personal. i prefer having friendships & building them up over time, but it does take time & it is not always easy.if we have any problems, i would rather talk about them than leave them hanging between us. if it's worth unfollowing me over, please block me instead. i hate softblocking, I've never understood it & would rather just be blocked.


don't be an asshole. it's easy, it's simple. treat people the way you would like to be treated. if you vague, i will block you. if you bring drama onto my blog, i will block you. i am here to play barbies not mean girls.


this blog is a huge wip. hings will be edited as i can work on things. i am wanting to pull ellis away from dragon age a bit, to do things in other fandoms & perhaps work towards making him more independent. i love dragon age as a franchise, i just wanna pick up up like a mini & throw him.


carrd by mari @ rcsea


NAME: Ellis CouslandNICKNAMES / ALIASES: Ellie, BastardAGE: 21 at the beginning og the blight 31 by inquisition.DATE OF BIRTH: 17 summerday 9:9GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis male, he/himORIENTATION: bisexual + biromanticRACE: humanNATIONALITY: fereldenOCCUPATION: grey warden, warden commander


FACE CLAIM: richard maddenHEIGHT: 5’7"HAIR: curly & often unkept auburn hair with a streak of white through his hair, eyebrow, beard & eyelashes. the white grows in his hair with age. he usually either keeps his hair down or tied in a ponytail.EYES: light blueSCARS:
a large scar on the left side of his face attained when he was training his warhound, fergie. it shows claws, dragged across his face. he will tell you he got it fighting the archdemon, though.
he's got a scar down the right side of his face sustained from getting cut the night rendon howe attacked highever.he's got a scar across his nose from being cut there while navigating the deeproads for the first time.his body is also littered with other scars fro various battles, though i will detail them in a post with a visual reference.TATTOOS: he's got the same constellation as his wife, astoria, tattooed on his left forearm. more tba w visual references.DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:he often wears boots with a slight heel to make him look a bit taller.he keeps a scarf he took from home the night he left. as the years pass, it deteriorates into a scrap of drabric he still keeps incorporated into his outfits. it's often folded in his breast pocket, bearing the seal of his familydry elbows & hands. picks at his cuticles. they're rough to the touch, especially when it's old out.yellow teeth, a bit crooked. man loves coffee & has since he was very young.he often has a flat expression, though it's not intentional. it often leaves him with a more confrontational air than he means.


Bryce Cousland ( father - deceased )
Eleanor Cousland ( mother - deceased )
Fergus Cousland ( brother - alive ),
Lillian Cousland ( sister - alive )
Astoria Grim ( wife - alive )
Morrigan ( ex-flame, mother of his child - alive )
kieran ( son - alive )
Fergie Cousland ( Mabari war hound - verse dependant )


- loyal
- creative
- funny
- dramatic
- determined
- intelligent
- short-tempered
- unreliable
- faithless
ASTROLOGY: gemini Sun, ??? Moon, ??? RisingMBTI: XXXX-XTEMPERAMENT: TemperamentENNEAGRAM: Type X Wing X


posts dissecting this here
schizophrenia pt 2


rogue. details tba.,
- spending time in the woods
- dogs, especially his dog
- the summer rain
- being in control of a situation
- helplessness / fearfulness
- Being Fucking Short ( he's not short he bitches like he is though )
- archery
- drawing
- writing
- storytelling


  • to preface this: if you ask ellis about his life, he will tell you his truth. this does not make it the truth. the details have worn away by time, twisting & warping in the image of a damaged mind, eroded by magic & experience. being a legend has it's downfall. everyone has a version of his story, everyone has a new detail to tack onto the end of it & sometimes it is difficult to sort those details from experience.

  • also on that note, he may not always be right but will usually operate like he is. it is really difficult to get through his thick skull when he's wrong because a lot fo the time, he doesn't want to hear it. it's usually the people who are close to him that can bring him back to earth, whether he wants to be there or not.


ellis is the secondborn son of eleanor & bryce cousland. he was raised as a noble, along his older brother fergus & younger sister lily.growing up in highever, he was left to run wild. he & his sister ran the night, constantly plling one another into different schemes & pranks. he was always a backup plan, extra support for fergus' bright future. this did not mean ellis was any less loved or valued, but his value did lay elsewhere. it laid in the shadows & history books, in every thread of trouble he could pull in the tapestry of his life.
Growing up, Ellis was branded chaotic, short-tempered, emotional. He could claim it was part of his charm but it was a deterrent to keep him out of many official dealings. Friends & lovers would come & go on a whim, with few he felt determined enough to keep around. Any potential matches his parents suggested were met with blatant rebellion & it would remain a recurring theme. Out of the many noble families who visited Highever, Ellis made a handful of connections. Some were good, some were less so.among these connections was a girl. She was the stubborn sort, it was no surprise when she & Ellis butted heads after a brief introduction. Ellis was sixteen when he met her & would forever remember the name: Astoria. Despite the sour taste she left in his mouth, meeting her would be a day he’d remember for the rest of his life. Her red hair in the sun as she trailed behind her father, Brennan Donnley. They came from Amaranthine, on business between their fathers. Where they had butted heads initially, he quickly changed his mind about his delightfully clever adversary. she was unlike anyone he had ever met before. It was difficult to keep her off his mind. Nearly quickly as they had decided they couldn’t stand one another, they became just as close. Infatuation, familiarity,friendship, whatever the word was, Ellis was thankful for her & would drop nearly everything at the mention of her name. It wasn’t long before their parents whispered about a potential match, never loud enough for them to hear.ellis was fascinated by legends & stories of battlefield. with gore came glory & that was all he saw. he imagined that one day he may end up one of these stories, immortalized in action. his big dreams of heroism lead him to a fascination with the grey wardens of ferelden. they were the only ones who could do what they did & that held a certain appeal for ellis, though his sister did not share his fascination. naturally, news of a potential blight thrilled ellis. he did not think of the implications of what that would mean for he or his people. when the grey warden, duncan, arrived looking for recruits ellis was the first to volunteer. his sister advised otherwise, as did the rest of his family. they needed someone to keep an eye on highever while bryce & fergus were fighting the battles ellis had dreamed of. he was none too pleased about the conclusion & planned to sneak out in the night, to follow the grey warden & beg him to let ellis into his order. unfortunately, his wish was granted.The rumours were confirmed when the king called the Couslands to action, dragging his father & brother into the conflict. It was infuriating at first — Ellis had dreamed of a blight, seeing it as his path to greatness… without thinking of the horrific implications of what the blight could mean. Lily was less thrilled about the impending danger, though Ellis was too stubborn to see things from her perspective. Bryce made plans to join forces with his long standing ally, Rendon Howe, & march to aid the king in his plight. Unfortunately, Howe’s men were behind schedule & the Cousland troops were sent out ahead of them. He pleaded with his father to allow him to fight alongside he & his brother, Fergus, but his request was denied as he was needed to stay behind & defend Highever.He reluctantly agreed to watch over castle Cousland, though he felt thoroughly cheated…rather, he did until a Grey Warden by the name of Duncan came to his home in search of recruits. He & his sister were told that they were his first choice of recruits & Ellis was thankful for it… until he was forbidden to take advantage of the opportunity. Lily again, made it known that she was not interested in the opportunity. Unknown to his parents or sister, Ellis intended to go behind his father’s back & try to pursue the idea when he left to fight the darkspawn but his plan was cut woefully short.Rendon Howe betrayed the Couslands, commanding his men to cut down every man, woman & child that had Cousland blood in their veins. Ellis was able to tear through Howe’s men in a desperate attempt to escape with he, Lily & his mother’s life. They searched the castle for his father, finding him sliced open & clinging to what little life he had left. The Grey Warden, Duncan, was at his side. Their parents beg Duncan to save their children & he agrees: with a cost. In order to save them, he would conscript them. Here, Ellis & Lily promise bryce that he will be avenged & Eleanor promises she will do plenty of avenging in her final stand. Ellis has to tear Lily from Bryce’s bleeding body & then, they run.Ellis’ dream came true in the most harrowing way possible. He was woefully unprepared for the sacrifice of his family & was left hollow by the time he arrived at Ostagar, the ruin of a fortress King Cailan used as a base to fend off the impending darkspawn attack. Lily was the only shred of life he had left & he clung to her for her steadfast support. They were greeted warmly, though he was quick to inform the king of Howe’s treachery. They were promised justice & for a moment, were given hope. Shortly after, they met Alistair – the newest Grey Warden recruit that had been indicted into the order. Where Ellis thought the man a fool, Lily seemed more fond of him.After acquainting himself with his new ally, he & the other Grey Warden recruits were tasked with acquiring darkspawn blood for a ritual called ‘ The Joining’. This was Ellis’ first time coming into contact with real darkspawn & he was not eager to make their acquaintence again. During their travels, they’re also tasked with acquiring old Gry Warden Treaties to call upon the inhabitants of Ferelden to band together in the wake of the Blight. Here, he also meets an apostate mage by the name of Morrigan. He is immediately intruiged by her,as he had never met an apostate before. All his life he had been fed propaganda about mages & the girl from the wilds semed to break any expectations he had for what he may face.Ellis & his companions follow Morrigan through the wilds to Morrigan’s mother, Flemeth’s, hut, where they are given the ancient treaties. The evening they return to Ostagar Ellis & his fellow recruits are put throug the joining, having to drink the darkspawn blood they had gathered & pray for survival or die for their cowardice. He was terrified when he watched them die, fearing for his sister’s life more than his own. Ellis watched the other recruits die before partaking in the joining himself, surprised to wake up the next day.Ostagar falls during a standoff with the Darkspawn. Teryn Loghain, the king’s most trusted advisor, pulls his troops back at the last minute. He leaves the king & the grey wardens to die on the battlefield. They’re consumed quickly by the darkspawn. Ellis, Lily & Alistair, however, had been gifted a separate task & were overwhelmed while trying to signal Loghain’s troops to join the battle. Ellis, Lily & Alistair nearly die that night, being saved by the grace of Morrigan’s mother. Though she would not share how she saved the Grey Wardens, it’s quickly apparent that they are the only ones left. She then chooses to send her daughter with them to face the blight to her dismay.They set upon a small town by the name of Lothering. Here, Ellis is enraged by what he see’s. people are scattered, trying to flee before the wave of darkspawn taking the land takes them as well. the supplies are limited, as is their hope. ellis feels simililarly, wishing he could run with them.Here, they meet two companions. A former bard turned Chantry sister by the name of Leliana was his first companion, having come to his defense when some men recognize him as a Grey Warden. It’s then that he finds out that Loghain had pinned the failure at Ostagar on the Grey Wardens he betrayed. On his way out of town, he stumbled upon a prisoner that had been left to die. Sten was blunt about his crimes & the atrocities he had committed, but it did little to deter Ellis’ interest. He manages to free him & offers him a place in his party. He also catches word that the Arl of Redcliffe is ailing from some sort of sickness, so Ellis sets out to his first destination. From Lothering, he has to make some decisions
First, he travels to Redclidde Castle in search for support. Here, he learns two things. One: dead crawl from the castle each night, killing & recruiting the townspeople into their horde. Two: It is here he reuinites with Astoria, who was in redcliffe to attempt to contact her father, trapped inside of the castle. He discovered her affinity for magic here & feels oddly betrayed that she had kept it from hi, though it was not a secret she owed him. He becomes defensive, not sure if he was more scared of the undead or the magic at his best friend’s fingertips.
Before long, they learn of the source of the undead: the arl’s son is possessed. Lily strikes him down to prevent more death & is left harrowed by the experience. Ellis would have preferred to find mages to save the boy, but supports his siter nonetheless. He does not, however, forget. This experience grinds the pieces of his former ideals into dust, now scattered to the wind.Astoria comes with them, but Ellis is relentlessly( & excessively ) mistrustful of her despite the desire to fall back into the way things were. He turns to Morrigan now, as she represents the opposite of everything he thought he knew. He views her as someone who deals in truths, uncomfortable as they may be. It’s Ironic by the end of it all, but his love for her is a rejection of what he thought he wanted. His love for her becomes rooted in survival, adapting despite it all.At the circle tower of the mages Ellis is appalled by the scene he walks in on. At the door he is warned by the templars that the mages are out of control. They they no longer have control over the circle tower & are calling for the right of annulment. Ellis boasts that he can tear through these abominations, thinking they will be like the boy in Redcliffe.He steps into the doors leading to the rest of the tower to a pile of bodies & it only gets worse from there. He tears through rotten flesh & feels the edge of blood magic, feeding into his preexisting notions about what a mage is. He had always been taught that magic was sin & what was more sinful than this? Though his faith had already withered away, it left room for more fear & fear drives him to impulse.Here, he meets Wynne. She’s an older woman, a member of the circle of Magi. She’s a healer & knows the tower. Ellis allows her to travel with them, albeit a bit reluctantly. In their travels through the circle tower, they encounter a sloth demon that lulls his entire party into the fade.Here, he has to sort through dreams & reality in order to keep from succumbing to the creature. His mind is left permanently damaged from this, as it is rare for a non-magic user to walk in the fade. He pushes through, barely coming out victorious. He saves head enchanter Irving & in doing so aves the handful of survivors from the circle’s corruption. He pushes for the rite of annulment, though lily reminds him of his humanity before they make another irreversible mistake.Ellis & his companions still needed to see a very sick, very poisoned Arl. The Arlessa claims that the only cure for his ailment was a pinch of Andraste’s ashes, which becomes Ellis’ next impossible task.He then travels to Haven, to a strange & backwards town. He happens upon some cultists that he has to carve his way through & he follows a trail of information that leads him to a scholar who helps him find the temple the ashes should be in. Unfortunately, he was severely injured & Ellis had to leave him behind as he searched the temple.In this temple he faces his own demons, kills dragons & anything else that got in his way. He is faced with a vision of his father that leaves him feeling sick, reminding him of the sort of person his father wanted him to be. That sort of person would die, just as he had. He pushes forward to take a pinch of Andrastes ashes & leaves the urn otherwise untouched.He returns to Redcliffe & heals the Arl with the ashes he acquired. From here, they decide it would be best to call a landsmeet after Ellis gathered all the allies listed in the Grey Warden’s treaties.-Ellis meets zevran shortly after this & is very steadfast in his mistrust of the assasin
-Ellis kills the werewolves in the brecillian forest more tba.
After trying to gain the allegiance of a split dwarven society, Ellis, his sister & their party travel into the deep roads after the Pragon Branka. By now, Ellis feels farther from himself from ever before. Though Branka’s methods aren't appalling, they are regrettably effective.He see’s the sense in her pursuit for power after seeing the horrors of the blight & thus he wants to ally himself with her. After all, what would fight darkspawn better than an army of golems? Lily is apalled by her brother’s sentiment. She takes the betrayal of Branka’s house personally, as it was a dark mirror of what had happened to the couslands.Here, they fight. The builtup tension that had been festering since the beginning of this blight finally hits a breaking point & they face one another in the deep roads, ferociously. Lily knocks Ellis out, effectively making him understand the insanity of how he had been thinking. Fear drives him, but together they are strong enough.Enough sacrifices had been made, enough people had died. They kill Branka & take Cairidin’s blessing home to crowning harrowmont as their chosen king.They prepare for the landsmeet & ellis plays a hand in saving queen annora. more tba.,


The fifth Blight has begun & Ellis is only one of three remaining Grey Wardens remaining to fight it. Though he nearly intends to run from the conflict with his tail between his legs, he stays out of necessity…& for his sister. He begins his journey in Lothering, only for it to be swept away in the darkspawn horde after moving on, hearing of Lothering’s fate only days later. He continues by seeking out the aid of Redcliff only to be greeted by the undead & a possessed child. This event is harrowing in itself, causing him to grow up & get a grip on the reality of his new position. From then on, he begrudgingly accepts the responsibilities that come along with being a Grey Warden.

After defeating the Blight, Ellis is a changed person through & through. He is more bitter, a hardened individual. He wants nothing more than to travel & leave the land that was soaked in his countrymen’s blood… but alas, a Grey Warden’s work is never done. He & his sister named the Warden-Commandesr of Ferelden & put in charge of the Rendon Howe’s old lands. Ellis nearly turns down the title but the irony of the situation is plenty to keep him in line. He does what he can to build up the walls of Vigil’s Keep & falls in love with the city of Amaranthine. Here, he learns what it is to live in the city & experience it through a new lense. It is also surreal to know Astoria in her found home, the place that had become a haven of sorts for the both of them. He sacrifices the keep in order to save the city & the people within, causing what he considers to be one of his greatest failures in life. He is drawn to side with the architech, fear driving behind this decision.
Main inquisition: The world, once again, is on the brink of collapse. Except this time, his now wife ( Astoria ) is at the head of those who seek to fix it. With the sky torn in half, he goes to haven as an agent of the Inquisition. Upon returning from a mission, he comes back to find haven in ruins & tracks the survivors, finding Astoria facedown in the snow in the process. From there on, his attention is split between what he believes is an impending blight & astoria’s survival.
Alt inquisition ( for alternate romances & other inquisitors! ): Ellis answered Leliana’s call for help with an ulterior motive in mind. With what he believes to be an impending blight on the horizon, he offers the assistance of ferelden’s grey wardens in service to the inquisition. He intends to ask them for the same help, when the time comes, for fear of facing a blight alone again. He makes the holy journey to skyhold & arrives to his sister already there.


highever is a city in faerun, attacked by rendon howe. in the midst of the battle ellis was snatched by the nautaloid & survives by luck. he cna be recruited as a companion near the grove, gathering supplies to try & cross the shadow-cursed lands to make it home, or whatever is left of it. he's determined to figure out what happened to his family, if anyone survived & if they didn't... then he will avenge them, at all costs. he's got a severe interest in the tadpoles & the power they provide. at first, he sees traveling with the party as a means for forging his legend. as the story progresses, he realizes he might not want to be one. he was happy in highever, with his dog & his siblings & his parents. ow that it is gone, he is lost & the power to avenge his life is the only thing he knows to chase. wip.

**  BALDUR'S GATE ACT 2 & 3 **
wip. ellis keeps eating tadpoles & it's tearing up his brain, he's got his eyes on that astral tadpole as well


AU.   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, floof tum, tickle bum, jellybean footies curly toes so get poop stuck in paws jumping out of litter box and run around the house scream meowing and smearing hot cat mud all over. All of a sudden cat goes crazy grab pompom in mouth and put in water dish.

AU.   Love blinks and purr purr purr purr yawn twitch tail in permanent irritation for love me! cry louder at reflection. Purr like a car engine oh yes, there is my human slave woman she does best pats ever that all i like about her hiss meow always hungry rub against owner because nose is wet pretend not to be evil or cry louder at reflection refuse to drink water except out of someone's glass. Enslave the hooman meow in empty rooms.


AU.   Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, floof tum, tickle bum, jellybean footies curly toes so get poop stuck in paws jumping out of litter box and run around the house scream meowing and smearing hot cat mud all over. All of a sudden cat goes crazy grab pompom in mouth and put in water dish.

AU.   Love blinks and purr purr purr purr yawn twitch tail in permanent irritation for love me! cry louder at reflection. Purr like a car engine oh yes, there is my human slave woman she does best pats ever that all i like about her hiss meow always hungry rub against owner because nose is wet pretend not to be evil or cry louder at reflection refuse to drink water except out of someone's glass. Enslave the hooman meow in empty rooms.



ship/verse exclusive










